Hugging Face AI & Digitalocean: Explore Automations For Business

AI is becoming an essential tool for improving business services and processes. With Hugging Face’s pre-trained AI models and Digitalocean’s straightforward cloud deployment, businesses can quickly implement solutions like chatbots, automated workflows, and advanced data analysis. This guide explores how to deploy Hugging Face models on Digitalocean so we can begin to imagine how businesses […]
Makilo Workshop: Rapid Prototyping with ChatGPT (Part 2)

After the success of last month’s workshop around the highs and lows of rapid prototyping using Generative AI, we’re back with part two!
Part 2 – Will be about how these same prototyping tools can now take users from those ‘bare bones’ of an idea towards something ready for deployment!
Makilo Workshop: Rapid Prototyping with ChatGPT

Harness the Power of Generative AI Tools for rapid prototyping with Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon Technology! Do you find generative AI tools fascinating? Are you curious about how tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot can streamline and expedite the application prototyping process? Then don’t miss out on Makilo’s latest workhop. We’re hosting a Hack Evening at our studio in Linford Wood, Milton Keynes! We aim to test the capabilities of these AI tools, in the context of building a mobile app that interacts with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons.
Secure your business and keep your WordPress website updated

Makilo’s lead developer tells us about the risks business owners face when running an online business, including the importance of WordPress security updates and the steps they can take to keep websites safe.